2 thoughts on “3 weeks later

  1. Great…now you’re really looking pregnant! Maybe more people will finally give up their seat for you on the train/bus! Is my little niece kicking and moving around a lot more yet? Is she hiccupping a lot? Talon did that a lot in the last few months. Can’t wait to see you sis and have you meet your nephew! Please come down to visit for Christmas!

  2. Hi Mel!!

    How’s it going? Has Ether’s cooking fattened you up yet?! Wow, you’re finally feeling your baby’s kicks, does it hurt you a lot? Think of any names for the baby yet? I know what you mean about craving sweets, b/c now I’m on a diet myself. Doc says my tri-glycerides are high =( Boooo! Now I’m actually getting into the bad habit of EXERCISING! yuck! I should really visit you one day. Haven’t seen your place yet…
    Talk to you soon!

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