
Ridiculous Superstitions

I’ve decided to post up some of the things that mainly Chinese people have told me to do or not to do during and after pregnancy:

During pregnancy:

    – Don’t eat: Watermelon, bananas, seaweed, some Chinese leafy veggies, seafood
    – Don’t eat/drink anything cold
    – Don’t sit on the floor
    – Don’t bend down
    – Don’t take any medication
    – Don’t stand near the microwave
    – Drink “pork bone” soup

After birth:

    – Don’t take a shower for 1 month
    – Don’t eat beef
    – Eat ginger chicken w/ rice or “ginger vinegar” for 1 month

There’s probably more stuff, but I can’t remember right now. Who knows if any of this stuff is even true. My doctor never gave me these types of warnings, and she’s Chinese! (Well, more like an ABC.) I wonder if my baby girl will come out like a mutant cause I’ve done lots of those things they told me not to do. *knock on wood*

Anyway, to update, I’m just starting to get over this cold & cough that I’ve had for the last week, which is also like the 3rd or 4th time during pregnancy. It’s hard not to get sick when you work around a bunch of kids who are sick. Sometimes I’d worry that I’d cough my baby out or that she’d be a mutant cause I coughed so much and took medication. Ether said he felt sorry for the baby cause she probably couldn’t sleep since I coughed so much. Thank goodness it’s starting to pass. I’ve got one week of school left and I’m done. *whew* I had a presentation tonight, so I took the day off from work to work on it. I think I did okay. Oh well if I didn’t. I’m just glad it’s over! Now I have to work on my final paper, but I’m not going to worry about it until the weekend comes.. hahaha.

3 thoughts on “Ridiculous Superstitions

  1. I didn’t listen to anybody but my doctor. Talon came out just fine! Look at his pictures…does he look like a mutant or malnourished? I don’t think so! I do believe that bananas can make you constipated so don’t eat too much too often!

  2. You know how I feel about all of that – didn’t we have this conversation in NY ? We create our realities because people buy into these ideologies and don’t question them. Reality is so mythologized, it’s really ridiculous. The only thing that bugs me is that people do it without investigating the reasons behind what they do. Find out why first.

  3. Like I said in the newer post…the people that tell you to do those things are the ones that will nag you if and anything that goes wrong-true that.


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