Well, I’m sure once upon a time, even the strangest of all these superstitions had a relatively logical reason for it.
As long as there are legitimate reasons behind it, I appreciate the advice that people are giving. I just get a little annoyed when some people really believe in some really ridiculous superstitions but can’t quite explain it, and they think that if pregnant women do or eat certain things, the unspeakable will certainly happen to them.
But I think moderation is the key, especially with food. I mean we are not even talking about junk food or processed food here! Watermelon? Banana? Seaweed?
The way I see it is, if it’s nutritious, why not a little of everything? Unless the doctor says otherwise (in Mel’s case, she has to minimize on carb—white rice, noodles; and refined sugar—candy, cake, pie), I think in general, any nutritious/healthy food in moderation would still be beneficial rather than harmful to pregnant women.
What do you all think?
You know I totally agree with you. Not everything is absolute when it comes to pregnancy because everyone is different. Moderation is key. So that’s why I refrain from giving advice because everyone’s experience is different.
Superstition is they key to keep the old people from annoying you for the rest of your life! Actually, when Abbey was pregnant we got a lot of advice too about what to eat and what not to eat…one thing we realize is that there are some foods that the ‘older people’ would say not eat b/c it will have these adverse effects on the baby..etc etc etc… Well we figured that for the sake of the old people saying “I told you so” for the rest of our lives, we, Abbey just avoid those foods, at least in their presence, when the baby comes out healthy and so on, they will feel good and shut up 😉 Just my two cents on superstitions; it is just to shut the old people from blaming you. 😀
Thanks guys for your input.
Annoying or not, I guess it’s just normal for family & friends to be concerned & try to help.
I guess I just really prefer to know the “why”s behind everything. 😀