I’m Free!!!!
The Brooklyn NY Stake has finally decided to release me from my calling as Stake Young Women’s Counselor after 5 1/2 years. No more Youth Conferences, Stake Auxiliary Trainings, Super Saturdays, or monthly meetings. I hate to admit that I’m breathing a sigh of relief. I’ve worked with 3 different presidencies and everyone was released but me. I wondered what it was that I was doing that God wanted me to stay. I don’t think I did that great of a job. I hardly ever visited the wards I was in charge of. But that was because I knew that they were doing a spectacular job (and I was TOO lazy to travel there). Well I think it’s time for a break. I’ve got a newborn baby that I’m still getting used to and I think I may be needed elsewhere. Who knows what God has in store for me.
Anyway, Kaitlyn has been sleeping wonderfully the last few nights, although she kept us up until 1 AM. She hasn’t been sleeping too well during the day, like she’d wake up after about 15-30 minutes after we put her down. But yesterday, she had tons of visitors and she pretty much slept the whole time they were here. Ether kept trying to wake her up but she wouldn’t budge. It was like she was under a spell. She finally decided to wake up and drive us nuts when they all left. =/
Around 11 PM last night, Ether put her in her crib to go to sleep but she was so fussy. It sounded like fake crying & we knew that she just wanted to be held cuz she already ate and was changed. He stayed next to her and talked to her, but didn’t pick her up. She kept crying and he would put the paci in her mouth but she would spit it out and cry louder. After this struggle for about 30 minutes, she finally gave up and fell asleep with the paci in her mouth. She didn’t wake up until like 1 and after that feeding, she didn’t wake up for another 3 hours. So we got some sleep last night! We didn’t even have to put on the white noise. She was relatively easy to take care of last night. We hope that she will continue to do this every night. (wishful thinking)