
Kaitlyn’s 2nd Doctor’s Appointment

Kaitlyn now weighs 8 lb 7 oz, with clothes on. She’s gained over a pound in 2 weeks. Ether thinks her head got bigger. I think her cheeks, belly, and her thighs got a little bigger. She measures 52 cm.. don’t know how long that is in inches. (Anyone know?) Anyway, she slept through the whole appointment UNTIL! the doc gave her the second booster for Hepatitis B. She immediately screamed her lungs out for a good 2 minutes. That pleased the doctor. He said she had a great set of lungs and flashed a light in her mouth. =D I really hope she doesn’t catch a fever, which is a common side effect from this shot in addition to a sore leg. He said I could give her Tylenol drops if necessary. I hope I won’t have to.

One thought on “Kaitlyn’s 2nd Doctor’s Appointment

  1. Talon was only 1 oz smaller than Kaitlyn. I guess mom knows what she is doing!!! The answer to your question is 20.4 inches. I’m so glad that Kaitlyn is growing and not regressing like Talon did for awhile. Well, keep up what you are doing. And eat all the food you want because it is obviously not affecting her from not growing! Kiss my little niece for me!

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