Guess what? Whether you or an overtly excited relative pinch your baby’s cheeks or not, MANY babies will drool like crazy when they start teething from anywhere between 3 months to 12 months of age! Regardless! [read article on WebMD]
AND, although there’s still no widespread recommendation for infant massage, a study conducted by researchers at the Institute of Education at England’s University of Warwick , published back in November of 2006, shows “some evidence of benefits on mother-infant interaction, sleeping and crying, and on hormones influencing stress levels” in massaged babies.
The researchers also noted that “baby massage didn’t affect infant growth and didn’t appear harmful.” [read more on WebMD’s Medical News]
So grannies & aunties, let’s all relax and go right ahead, pinch Kaitlyn on the cheeks (not too hard though!) and give her massages!
Hey, it’s tough to be a baby!