6 thoughts on “Does she like soy?

  1. Kids won’t tell you they don’t like it unless they really know what it tastes like and the texture. Until then, they don’t care…just as long as it doesn’t make them gassy! Is she still fussy with it during the day?

  2. that’s right! soy! you know this is an AZN baby!

  3. just a little advice at the sleeping part and the feeling part.

    Drinking 6 oz at 2 mos is alot…..I think. Also if she drinks that quick and doesn’t get sleepy. You really need to burp her and the chance of milk coming back out is high. so burp her well and stop if you see her drinking too fast.

    I will say it’s more normal for her to sleep 5-6 stretch now. So you will have to feed her once in the middle of the night. If she is ready to sleep longer, she will tell you. Also, don’t let her drink too much at that feeding. Usually 2-3am. You can even start to decrease that feeding amount. Make sure she feeds well the last time before she goes to bed. and don’t talk or play with her when she takes the feeding at 2-3am. she gets bored and should go back to sleep.

    Clayton has the same problem when he was younger. You don’t want to overfeed them and so they throw up. alot of cleaning and uncomfortable for them. I find that if I didn’t force Clayton to drink all the milk I want him to take (like if he takes only 6 oz instead of 8oz.) he sleeps better. Babies knows how much they need. but just make sure your last two feedings are not too close together. like if you want her to have a good feeding at 8 or 9pm before bed. the one feeding before that should be at least 3-4 hours before like at 4 or 5pm.

    anyway, it’s getting too long to type, like you are reading a book……hahaha….we are hoping to visit the end of May when Da has a long weekend. maybe we can talk more BB talks.

    take care and hang in there. Call me if you want to talk. Preferably after 4/16 though. hahhaa. Tax season ma.

  4. Just another note after reading your reply on our blog.

    Brennan takes Isomil….from Similic and it’s great for him. I dont’ think you want to switch formula too often though. It takes a while for the body to accept. Also, make sure you talk to the doctor, of course =)

    it’s great that she only takes 3 oz to go back to sleep. That way you can go back to sleep sooner too, right…don’t need to make sure she drinks 5-6oz which can be a long process. I dont’ know whether I remember right, but the feeding should not be longer than 30minsm baby will get tired of sucking. You may want to check the flow, at certain time, you should change the flow of the nipple. you don’t want her to work too hard to get the milk, and this way she can eat more in a short period of them. Clayton is bigger, but he usually drink his bottle in 15-20mins (exclude the burping time). So maybe you can try size 2 if you haven’t switch yet. see whether she can drink more. You need to be careful the first couple days, make sure she get use to the flow and if it’s too fast for her, try later. and burp her when she stop, she need to use to the flow and she will learn fast that she doesn’t need to suck that hard to get the milk.

    just another suggestion, good luck!

  5. wow……….yeah….that’s why I said she may not be ready to sleep through the night if she still wants so much milk in the early morning. but as I said before, may sure she feeds enough during the day. Also, if you want her to sleep longer at night. don’t let her nap too long in the afternoon, esp late afternoon. keep her up at least 3 hrs before she goes to sleep.

    what I mean is that just have one long nap in the early afternoon *about 2 hrs*, one morning nap around an hr, and couple more short ones in late afternoon before sleep. Try to keep her at least 2-3 hrs before the bed time =)

    If she eats enough during the day, and not nap too much. She will start sleep longer.

    Good luck and good job Ether and Mel! Believe me, it will get better! and once she sleeps through the night…..woohoo!!

    take care,

  6. she is getting chunkier now.. so adorable. I went baby shopping over the weekend and sorta lose at what to buy (even with a list)… I should I am shopping for myself instead. ahahah

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