
Happy Baby?

Well…… sometimes!

Just recently Kaitlyn has started to smile at us when we talk to her in our “motherese” voices and make faces at her. Before, she would just stare at us and think we were stupid. Now I guess she is smiling at us and still thinks we’re stupid. hehe. Well she doesn’t smile every time, but it has definitely increased. She hasn’t learned to laugh yet. We were able to catch some of these smiles on camera:

lil chucklechinese eyesbig smilecutie pie

*CAUTION: The next couple of paragraphs are a little graphic & gross, so if you can’t handle it, don’t read! You have been warned!*

Anyway, to update you on her, we had to change formulas AGAIN. The soy was making her super constipated and she would literally scream her head off when she had to poop and couldn’t. She would poop hard little nuggets. The good part about the soy is that it was really easy on her stomach. She had less gas and slept comfortably most of the time. The doctor had us give her diluted prune juice to relieve her constipation, but it was really strong and her poop was like diarrhea.

So now we’re back to the original Enfamil, but in concentrated form. She didn’t poop for the first 2 days that we gave it to her. I was freaking out, so I continued to give her some prune juice. On the 3rd day (or yesterday), she pooped a BIG mushy one. So big that it burst out of her diaper, leaked through her pants and onto Grandpa’s blanket. (We were sitting on his bed.) I was so relieved but it was so gross having to clean her up…. so Grandma did it for me.. hehe =D I haven’t given her any prune juice since. She is still pooping soft mushy poop. Don’t know if it is still because of the prune juice or if that is normal. She hasn’t pooped like that since her first month. This formula is definitely making her more gassy though. And it seems painful at times. She didn’t sleep well last night because she had gas. She cried like almost every hour. We don’t know what to do at this point. WIC doesn’t offer Gentlease, which is what we were taking before the soy. =/ I guess we’ll have to wait it out.

2 thoughts on “Happy Baby?

  1. Oh my goodness…she’s so adorable! She’s got a cute little smile. What’s up with the Donald Trump comb over in the bottom right picture? I don’t know what kind of advice to give you about the formula. I guess just give her the prune juice whenever she is not pooping. Give her some Mylicon or the Gripe Water that I gave you to soothe her gassiness. And always…have mom change her poopy diaper…just kidding…you should have done it…she’s YOUR child for goodness sakes! Talon did that this morning…never seen so much mushy poop since he was born. Kind of weird!!! Must be the new baby food we are giving him!

  2. She is so very cute, and I think her cheeks are getting so big, and sooner or later she won’t be able to smile because of her cheeks….. hahaha…. makes me want to bite her… just kidding… don’t be scare… I won’t hurt her… please still let me hold her!

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