
I’ve been tagged.. =/

Ok……Good ‘ol Abbey tagged me to post 7 random things about myself. (And I’m not going to be mean and tag other people. =P) I’m not sure if they’re supposed to be strange & unusual facts. I think I’m pretty normal.. hahaha j/k. So here they are:

1) I’m 26, not 12. Honest! People always mistaken me for a teenager – but I’m married with a baby already. I will probably still look like this 10 years from now, except with bigger bags under my eyes.

2) I like to watch ABC daytime soap operas – All My Children & One Life to Live. Hey, I grew up watching it w/ my mom. I used to like watching WWF Wrestling too. That’s what happens when you have an older brother.

3) I drool & make noises in my sleep. *shhhhhhh!* (just like a baby.)

4) I love to eat.. especially french fries and freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. If you make me some, I’ll be your best friend! (Oh yeah, no nuts please!)

5) I’m an LDS (Mormon) and my husband is NOT a polygamist!! (Our religion doesn’t practice that anymore!!) I don’t smoke or drink coffee, tea, & alcohol.

Gosh this is boring so far right? Sorry, I just don’t have any funny/interesting facts about myself.

6) I’ve got 10 fingers and 10 toes.

7) I’m about 20 lbs heavier than my husband.

There. Now you know a little bit more about me. =D Sorry, no pictures for another few days. Ether has final projects due this week & next, so I don’t want to mess with his computer. It has already crashed once last week. I guess Macs really aren’t THAT good! =P