
Lesson 1: Reap what you sow

Mel & Kaitlyn just took the stroller, left the house to a church activity (it’s “Dumpling Night”). Since it’s a nice evening, 82 degrees Fahrenheit @ 7:30 p.m., Mel decided to opened the stroller’s canopy so that Kaitlyn could enjoy the scenery during the brief walk.

But minutes after they left the door, I got a call from Mel, and guess what? A bird pooped right on Kaitlyn’s forehead!

IT’S ABOUT TIME!! Someone finally pooped on her instead of she pooping on someone! She shot poop on me when she was only a few weeks old; she pooped all over Mel (plus the couch & the carpet) on Mother’s Day! I hope she learned her lesson!

5 thoughts on “Lesson 1: Reap what you sow

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long while..hahaha..nice. Ehter you should have ran over to your wife and baby with your camera and post the pictures!! Excellent story.

  2. BTW, we are coming up Memorial Day weekend. so don’t go anywhere, just yet and try not to get too much bird poo. Also when we get up there, tell us where to avoid bird poo

  3. Oh my goodness! That story is just as good as when we were kids going to the zoo and watching the monkeys eating their own poo and then Dad getting hit by bird poo as well! That’s hilarious! I hope Mel got some pics on the camera phone! That would be priceless pictures for her future husband!

  4. ahha! Poor Kaitlyn or lucky Kaitlyn? Yeah, it would be a priceless picture. Did you turn back to wash up? My helper is from China (she used to take care of George’s Cousin). George’s grandma highly recommended her. well, I guess I am just not used to living with a total stranger and let her take care of my most precious gift. (ha, i guess I already have pretty strong bonding with my little one). Since I need to go back to work after my maternity leave, I think it is wise to hire a helper (compare to the US, hire a helper in HK is relatively cheap..about 1/3 the price). Gosh, I keep forgetting about your bottle. I will remember this weekend!! yeah. you r right. i gotta RELAX and enjoy!!! I am in my 3rd trimester now…almost there.

  5. AHAHAHAAAAA. that’s funny. did she cry? did it bothered her? or she doesn’t even know what hit her, and just kept on enjoying her view? those dang pigeons! i guess it was DUMP-ling night!

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