
We Are Alive!

Are y’all shocked that we haven’t updated in over a week?

Well, because there are like 30 of you who look at this everyday, and only a handful of you ever leave comments! :-p

Asleep in the Car

Just kidding! — sort of…

What happened was, the computer was running out of hard drive space (again), so I got a 1 TB (that’s “terabytes”; or roughly 1000 GB) external drive. In the process of moving some files to the new hard drive, I accidentally “erased” everything on the computer!

Fortunately, I found a really good recovery program that let me recover the files. Unfortunately, I also had to pay a good sum of money for it. 🙁

Ling Family Trait: asleep with eyes open

Anyway, after days of re-installing programs & stuff, the computer is about 80% back to how it was.

So, stay tuned, more updates will be coming!

p.s. If all of your digital photos are on your computer hard drive & no place else, BACK THEM UP before the hard drive fails on you! Copy them to blank DVDs or whatever! It usually doesn’t take more than 3 to 5 years before hard drives start to act up or even fail. When it does, you’ll run the risk (high risk) of losing all those precious memories that you never bother printing out.

5 thoughts on “We Are Alive!

  1. She sleeps like Grandma Eng! Ahahaha! She’s a cutie! Yes, I too have felt your pain. I lost all my precious Hawaii pictures when La reformated the computer to have XP. So sad! Oh well, I guess I’ll have to make another trip to Hawaii!

  2. Dang it. I should’ve called you, Da. I would’ve saved myself some precious $US!

    I ended up getting a file recovery program called “Boomerang” online. Since they offer a downloadable version, I was able to try it out & then start using it right away. It worked pretty well, & it was able to perserve the file names. The whole process was quite time consuming, but I guess b/c I was trying to recover 3 drives totaling 420 GB.

    Oh, & I have actually been doing DVD backups, but the last one was 4 months ago. With Kaitlyn just turned 7 months, that’s half of her life photos! That’s why I got the 1 TB drive — so that I can do the RAID thing (RAID 1 for now).

  3. I love how u post “we are alive” above pictures of Kaitlyn unconscious.

  4. Mel!!

    You have called me or let me know. There are lots of software online that can help you recover lost files. I even have some software to help you with that. Oh well. What I do is back up monthly on the HDD and then back up like 3-6 months onto DVD….Now lesson learned and even a 1TB hdd couldn’t help you, it will only make you rely on the hdd even more. What you might want to do is set up your hdd to have RAID 5 backup-look it up and you will know what I mean.


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