
“10 Days of Fun” recap: Photoshoot

Although the dresses were meant for Kaitlyn to wear when she turns 1, 2, & possibly 3 years old respectively, nobody expects my parents to wait that long to see Kaitlyn tries out the dresses.

First up, Kaitlyn in a long red dress/Qi Pao/Kei Pou:
Kaitlyn in the long red dress Look at me! It looks like she loves the dress that Maah-Maah got her! Kaitlyn in the long red dress 02

Next, Kaitlyn wears the pink Kung-Fu outfit:
Getting ready I’m almost ready! Ta da! Pink outfit 01 Pink outfit 02 Pink outfit 03 Pink outfit 04

Last, but not least, Kaitlyn in an ethnic dress that her Auntie JingYi got her in Shanghai:
2-piece dress 01 2-piece dress 02 2-piece dress 03 2-piece dress 04 2-piece dress 05 2-piece dress 06 2-piece dress 07

5 thoughts on ““10 Days of Fun” recap: Photoshoot

  1. Oh my goodness! I LOVE the outfits! She’s such a supermodel.

  2. Let’s see how to…delicately write this….


    gee how much clothes does she have? trying to marry her off already?

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