
The Last Few Months: Melanie

As for Mel, she’s still working at the same school that Kaitlyn goes to and is always exhausted. Besides all the drama that goes on there to give her a headache and make her life stressful, she loves the children that she works with and might be moving up to the next class with them. We’ll have to see what happens.

taken in Mel's old bedroom

She can’t wait to take a vacation though. Walmart, here she comes!

sleeping in the car

She and Kaitlyn got sick again over a month ago while all the swine flu hysteria was going on. Kaitlyn got the flu and Mel had severe allergies & a sinus infection. Kids and teachers at school were getting sick left and right as germs were spreading like wildfire. It was unbelievable that our school didn’t get shut down for cleaning/disinfecting. Thankfully they got over it quick.

Kaitlyn pretending to play the piano

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