
That means I don’t want to clean up

Dinner was almost ready. We had already told Kaitlyn that she needed to clean up all her toys in the living room before she can eat. Instead of cleaning up, she went into her room & started playing there.

“Why are all your toys still out on the floor here?” asked Melanie, while getting Kaitlyn’s bowl of food ready in the kitchen.

Unfazed and with no hesitation, Kaitlyn replied, “Whatever.”

An hour or so before, I put her in timeout because of something she said.

When she said “whatever,” I happened to be in the room.

I guess I can still laugh about it because she is only turning 3 & not 13.

One thought on “That means I don’t want to clean up

  1. hahahahah. a little afraid of what she’ll say at 13!

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