Lings, Photos

Happy Easter 2011!

Happy Easter everybody! After church, we took some photos in front of our house (just like last year). Kaitlyn was wearing yet another dress from her Auntie Jenny & here are some pix. Enjoy!

[EDIT]: Credit where credit’s due: her Uncle Manttee was the crucial style consultant at the time of purchase. We apologized for failing to mention that earlier!

3 thoughts on “Happy Easter 2011!

  1. Hey wait a minute! I feel left out here…… I assisted in picking the dress out! So I would like to be recognize for my beautiful taste in fashion. I hope some one will change the caption soon.

    1. Wow, Auntie Jenny almost got away w/ taking all the credits! Don’t worry, we’ll rectify it right away!

  2. hahahaaa. yes, manttee… beautiful taste!
    kaitlyn is growing up so fast! a pretty little lady already!
    great pics as always!

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