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First Halloween Pumpkins

Last year we did buy a couple of tiny pumpkins but never got around to carving them, so this year we went all out & made three. I guess that’s the benefit of being underemployed—more family time!
Obviously it’s not an original idea. I have seen people made a big pumpkin biting a small pumpkin. Since Melanie & I do occasionally bite Kaitlyn’s cheeks, I figured, why not make two!
Here’s a short time-lapse video of the whole process that I put together. I set the camera to take one photo every 15 seconds, and we took 925 photos, so you can figure out how long it took to carve the pumpkins. Next year, I’m definitely getting myself a cheap set of carving tools, because using Xacto knives is painfully slow.

Enjoy the video!