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Update on Maddie

Sorry that we haven’t done a better job at updating everyone about Maddie! She is going to be 4 months old in 2 days! Time goes by so quickly!

Let’s see, what can I say about her? She’s a very good baby. Doesn’t cry as much as Kaitlyn did. She’s starting to look less like her big sister and more like her own self. She’s beginning to babble and giggle more now. It’s really cute! She has her 4 months doctor’s appointment next week, so I’m not sure yet how much she weighs. She was 12 lbs at her last appointment last month, so she might be around 13 or 14 lbs now. She’s a little chubster though! We love to shower her with kisses because her cheeks are just so big and scrumptious! Kaitlyn loves her baby sister–she loves to wake her up when she’s sleeping, get in her face, and smother her with hugs and kisses. She likes the sound of white noise, or just simply the sound of plastic bags rustling. It would calm her down when she’s crying. It’s the funniest/weirdest thing. She loves to suck on her fingers. I would’ve preferred for her to take a pacifier since I can eventually take it away from her, but she doesn’t really care for it. I was a thumb-sucker until I was 5 or 6. Hopefully she won’t inherit that habit!!

Here’s a video of her giggling: